Sally and the man from North Soho. They never saw eye to eye. He took her out to Il diavolo. Just to look like the good guy. He took her to a bar in Camden Town. With vodka laced lemonade. She told him how she wants to settle down. With the singer out of Suede.
And now you're watching. It’s the problem. How could anybody, fall for someone quite as bad as him...I'd like to know.
How come it’s easy just to look inside. He didn’t have to talk that talk at all. She just trips and then she falls.
Holding his hand in Hammersmith. Talking when they're walking home. Tells her that it wouldn’t go a miss. God knows that even she knows. Rude of me to say it won’t last long. So cut it off for your sake. A 90th minute winner from your own team heartbreak.
And now you're watching. It’s the problem. How could anybody, fall for someone quite as bad as him...I'd like to know.
How come it’s easy just to look inside. He didn’t have to talk that talk at all. She just trips and then she falls.
She just trips and then she falls...